Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Idiot Girls UNITE!!!

The Idiot Girl and the Flaming Tantrum of Death: Reflections on Revenge, Germophobia, and Laser Hair Removal
Idiot Girls Unite!!!
This newest installment (2008) in Laurie Notaro's memoir books has brought this "Idiot Girl" tons of joy and moments of uncontrolled laughter. Although I havent quite finished (since I have just bought the book this morning) it has proven to be just as funny as my personal favorite of Laurie Notaro's work, "I Love Everyone (and other Autrocious lies)". Her books have always been great reads because of their degree of relateableness (is that a word?). Being a girl who has been cursed/blessed with bad timing, crazy friends, awkward moments galore, and the clumsy gene, I can relate to Laurie's misadventures and say, "wow, that may be me in a couple of years, but damn it will be funny". As usual, her books are filled with self deprecating humor but Laurie has the gift of never making it feel too self deprecating. Rather, I believe, her writing genius is how she describes the dialogue and situations in her books. Her books are punch line perfect in everyway.
Now I should probably disclose the fact that I began reading her books because many of the covers of her books feature very lovely early 1900's pin up girls which, being a vintage lover, caught my vintage hunting eyes!! So vintage lovers everywhere, if you see her books becuase you spotted some vintage looking book covers, don't be discouraged when you realize it doesnt have anything to do with vintage fashion!! Pick it up anyways!!! You are in for a real treat and laughing has been proven to be good for you, so think of it as a health book....with a vintage cover!! (thats a bad joke, i know!) So for all my Idiot Girls out there, and our Idiot Girl leader, Laurie Notaro.... keep being our proud idiot girl selves!!!

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