Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weekend Plans....

I posted earlier about my need for new hair dye, well I went to the market this morning and got a few errands done all in one trip. Perfect, since I've needed some things before my event packed weekend!
First, the HAIR DYE!! Mwahahaha!!  I ended up buying the L'Oreal Paris Preference brand in the natural black shade. Its a bit darker than what I had previously used, but because of the pink, I thought it would be better to go with the darker shade to cover up the pink and to give the whole head a darker shine, which I absolutely love. I'll definitely be keeping my hair black for a while, Its dramatic and perfect for vintage!

While picking up my newest hair color, I had a compulsive buy, a big floppy wide brimmed black hat! The current 60's hippie fashion trend has got me hooked! I remember as a kid being in absolute love with the hippie wild child look and running around with hair down to my knees, bell bottom pants and tie dye shirts. My parents loved that I didnt want designer or popular clothing brands and that I spent my time reading feminist and history books while listening to beatles or carpenters records! This hat absolutely brought me back to those memories as a kid! Add some john lennon sunglasses and a funky dress, and I'm ready for this weekend!! My weekend plans have made me equally nervous and excited this week, which considering this is finals week is not very nice.  Saturday will be a shopping day for a specific gift which I will explain soon, and my mom has invited me to see the local middle school play with her because a couple of her friends are volunteering. After rewatching LisafreemontStreet's hair tutorials, and finally having some time to do the hair styles, I've decided that this weekend and spring break will be a vintage revival week. Sadly, being a university student has made me resort to the beautiful attire of sweat pants and baggy shirts with the glamorous pony tail hair I'm longing to go back to my vintage at long last! But on top of a shopping and play trip, the next day, sunday, is what I have been truly excited for! The new bf and I have decided to make a trip down to the aquarium, where I plan to wear my floppy black hat a la incongito and have the bf be my personal photographer haha. I've been wanting to start documenting my fashion adventures so this could be a start: new hair and new hat, its perfect!!

I havent been to the aquarium in over 6 years so I'm as excited as a little kid going to the aquarium for the first time... or at least, as excited as I was when I went for the first time! Gotta admit I was a nerdy kid! haha As a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist so its a treat for me to go and see the fishies, but to truly see how beautiful they are you have to go scuba diving! There is no other experience like it, even my mother who is terrifiyed of swiming (i'm talking water wings at the local pool afraid) went scuba diving and called the experience "breathtaking and humbling". Can't say it better than that! Besides the aquarium also seemed to me to be a place of mystery and the perfect place for a classy vintage femme fatal to hang out, dressed in incognito and reading a book. See!! I can relate it all to vintage!! So I hope to be posting soon with some pictures of this vintage and fishy filled weekend!

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